How to use San Francisco system font on your iPhone or iPad [Jailbreak Tweak]

If you’ve been looking for a new font for your jailbroken device, maybe you should give the new iOS 9 and OS X Yosemite 10.11 font a try. The San Francisco font can be installed on your iPhone/iPad or even your Mac. 
Here we’ll be taking a look how to do it on your iPhone/iPad. (Note: All screenshots below are in the “San Francisco” font)
Step 1.
Download BytaFont 2 from Cydia.
Step 2.
Add a new repo to your sources:
Step 3.
After the repo has been added, search for “San Francisco iOS8″ and install it. It should be around 19.8MB
Step 4.
To install, just open up BytaFont 2 and tap on “Basic”
Step 5.
Tap on “San Francisco iOS8″ and it will respring your device. Once it resprings you will have the entire font system wide on your device.
That’s all there is to it!


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