Pangu team has a working jailbreak for iOS 9.2 (rumor)

Jailbreak iOS 9.2

Apple released iOS 9.2, which includes several bug fixes and improvements. Apple had seeded the first beta version of iOS 9.2 to developers on October 27. So iOS 9.2 widely awaited release as jailbreakers have been hoping that if Pangu or TaiG team have a working jailbreak, then they would wait for Apple to release iOS 9.2.Apple had killed the Pangu Jailbreak for iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2 by patching two vulnerabilities in iOS 9.1. Several readers have pointed to rumors that Pangu team had a working jailbreak for iOS 9.2 beta 4, and we were waiting for Apple to release iOS 9.2 to the public.
Pangu team hasn’t made any statement, so it is difficult to confirm if it is true. They also haven’t provided any hints to suggest that have managed to successfully jailbreak iOS 9.2. All we can do at this point of time is wait for the Pangu team to release the iOS 9.2 jailbreak, which should be released soon if it is ready, assuming Apple hasn’t fixed any other exploit that would break the jailbreak in iOS 9.2 public release.
An iOS 9.2 jailbreak cannot be ruled out as the hacking team that won the $1 million bounty for the untethered browser-based iOS 9.1 jailbreak, had also successfully jailbroken iOS 9.2 beta as well. Now that Apple has released iOS 9.2 to the public, it does make sense

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